Tape Dispenser - A Simple Invention

We always talk about the big inventions and discoveries that have made a significant impact on our lives. But, what about the “simple” inventions which have simplified our daily tasks, and tape dispenser is no different.
What is a tape dispenser?
A tape dispenser has a mechanism of holding a roll of tape and shearing it at one end. A tape dispenser is indeed a handy supply that speeds up the various activities whether it is to seal the boxes or to wrap any other object.
The Invention
Prior to the tape dispensers, a 3M’s standard clear scotch tape roll was sold that had to be carefully peeled and cut with the help of scissors. However, with the rapid growing demand especially in the general manufacturing companies acted as a sign of change on “how to do” to “how to do it efficiently and quickly.” In order to make the product useful and also to speed up the sealing process, John A Borden invented the first tape dispenser in 1932. This tape dispenser had a built-in cutter blade that would hold the cut end of the tape as well as cut the tape perfectly.
Experience the Easiness
A tape dispenser undoubtedly offers you a lot of easiness as it is quite a challenging task to unroll a tape and then cut it using only one hand. Yes, the dispenser has made itself as one of the essential supplies that can be easily seen at home or a business place. As per the requirement, type of the tape and the place where it is going to be used, the dispensers vary widely.
With an ease in using the dispenser, you can complete your task quickly and efficiently. Involvement of any, machine regardless of its size equips you with an ability to do any job with a higher efficiency that too in less time.
You can find a wide range of high-quality tape dispensers online. Whether you need to pack, wrap, box or seal any object using tape, tape dispensers always come to rescue, saving a considerable amount of time and effort.


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