What is a Hexayurt

A Hexayurt is an asylum intended for evacuees and other individuals with a little lodging spending plan. It's likewise for "recreational displaced people" like Black Rock City occupants, works with inflexible protection. Vinay Gupta developed the essential shape for exemplary Hexayurt and various varieties, and uploaded it in the Public Domain. This enables others to build up the first thought further. You can find wiki page, and related pages, that are simply the vault for Hexayurt do-it yourself information, and fundamentally reference building strategies for the dusty desert condition of the Burning Man Arts Festival. Different improvements are here, additionally in the Public Domain. The Hexayurt can be produced using about $300 of materials from Home Depot, in addition to about $100-150 of mail-requested tape (or another strategy utilizing vinyl, talked about later). Contingent upon the development method, it takes around 8 hours to plan a...